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Wednesday , 22 May 2024

Unmasking Deepfakes

  • 14 Nov, 2023

In an era where technology evolves at an unprecedented pace, the recent deepfake incident involving popular actresses Rashmika Mandanna and Katrina Kaif serves as a stark reminder of the dangers lurking in the digital shadows. Deepfakes, powered by advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI), have emerged as a potent tool for manipulating images and videos, posing significant threats to privacy, democratic processes, and societal trust.

The viral morphed footage of both actresses has thrust the deepfake dilemma into the spotlight, shedding light on its potential to wreak havoc on individuals' lives and reputations. Deepfakes, essentially fake media generated by AI algorithms, can convincingly depict individuals saying or doing things they never did, raising alarms about the ease with which misinformation and harmful propaganda can spread.

A startling revelation is that 98% of all online deepfake videos are targeted at women, particularly in the realm of adult content. This underscores not only the invasive nature of this technology but also the disproportionate impact it has on specific demographics.

According to reports, India is listed as the sixth most vulnerable country to deepfake threats. The implications are vast, ranging from criminal activities to influencing public opinion and undermining democratic institutions. As the country grapples with these challenges, the need for robust regulatory mechanisms becomes increasingly evident.

Prompt action by the Indian government is seen in its instructions to social media platforms to remove deepfake content within 24 hours of receiving a complaint. The Information Technology Act of 2000 comes into play, providing legal recourse with the possibility of imprisonment for up to three years and fines up to Rs 1 lakh for those found guilty of cheating through personation using communication devices or computer resources.

Looking beyond India, the global landscape is rife with concerns. Predictions suggest that a staggering five lakh video and audio deepfakes will be shared on social media platforms worldwide this year. Various countries have taken proactive measures to combat the issue. The UK's Online Safety Act criminalizes the sharing of deepfake porn, China mandates user consent for deepfake production, and South Korea prohibits the distribution of deepfakes that could harm the public interest.

As the deepfake epidemic continues to escalate, there is an urgent need for comprehensive solutions. Strengthening existing legal provisions is imperative, and India should consider learning from the proactive measures implemented by other nations. Legislation specifically targeting deepfake content and its malicious use is crucial to safeguard individuals and restore public trust in an increasingly digitized world.

The Katrina Kaif and Rashmika Mandanna incidents serve as a poignant wake-up call, urging societies to address the perils of deepfake technology head-on. The evolving nature of these threats necessitates a collective and international effort to establish effective regulations, educate the public, and foster a digital environment that prioritizes authenticity over manipulation. As we navigate the uncharted waters of the digital age, the battle against deepfakes becomes not just a technological challenge but a societal imperative.

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